General Facts

General Facts

After more than fifty years of colonization , the second largest country on the
African continent became independent in 1960.


Democratic Republic of the Congo, DRC in initials

Political system


Form of State

Unitary and highly decentralized Republic of the Congo, DRC in initials

Geographical position

2 345 410 km² (2nd largest country in Africa) including 37 km on the Atlantic Ocean coast. Country in the heart of Africa located on the Equator. Common borders 9,165 km - surrounded by 9 neighboring countries: Central African Republic, South Sudan, Angola, Zambia, Republic of Congo, Enclave of Cabinda, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania (the DRC market is expandable to several countries).


Kinshasa (City-Province)

Population (2017)

91,994 million (National Institute of Statistics, Yearbook Statistics, DRC 2017)

Time Zone

GMT +1, Kinshasa and Mbandaka time GMT +2, time of Lubumbashi, Kisangani and Goma


Metric System

Currency unit

Congolese Franc (CDF)

GDP (at current prices) (2019)

86,036.2 billion USD (source: Weekly summary of the Central Bank of Congo No. 5, January 2020)

GDP growth rate 2019

4.6% (source: Weekly summary of the Central Bank of Congo No. 5, January 2020)

Average annual inflation rate 209

4.5% (source: Weekly summary of the Central Bank of Congo No. 5, January 2020)

Currencies used in business transactions

Free circulation of all foreign currencies with the Congolese Franc

 Volume of FDIs entering in 2017

1.340 billion USD

Internet penetration rate in 2019


Mobile telephony penetration rate in 2019


Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) in 2019

3.5 USD

Number of Commercial Banks in 2019


Belonging to regional markets

Belonging to several sub-regional markets: SADC, COMESA, ECCAS and CEPGL, UN, ICGLR, ...

Membership in international organizations


Other Assets

Hydroelectric potential: 100,000 Megawatts, representing:
23% of the world potential;
37% of the African potential;
52% of Africa’s reserves.
80 million hectares of arable land and 4 million hectares of irrigable land of which only 10% is currently exploited;
Large expanses of grazing land with the capacity to raise more than 40 million head of cattle;
Fishing potential of 700,000 tons of fish per year;
6% of Africa’s oil reserves, of which:
Coastal basin: (5992 km2, Central Congo Province);
Central Sedimentary Basin: (800,000 km2), with 32 blocks, not yet allocated.
Basin of the Western Branch of the East African Rift.
Copper-Cobalt-Zinc vein; Diamond vein; Nickel-Chromium vein; Tanner and Accompanying vein; Gold vein(current mineral resources estimated at ± 750 tons of gold); Bauxite and Phosphate vein; Iron-Manganese vein;
Road network of 145,000 km, only 3,000 km paved;
Railway network of 5,033 km to be totally rehabilitated;
Maritime, river and lake network of 16,238 km to be marked, dredged and exploited;
270 airport platforms to be rebuilt;
Internal market of about 90 million inhabitants;
17 commercial banks,
1 Savings Bank of Congo;
79 Savings and Credit Cooperatives
2 specialized financial institutions.